Race Calendar
Races in the Series
Round 1 - Misano Mon 20-May-2024

Round 1 - Misano details

Track Misano
Circuit Length 4.226 km (2.626 miles)
Turns 16
The Misano World Circuit Marco Simoncelli is located a short distance from the beachfront near the town of Misano Adriatico, in the Province of Rimini. It was opened in 1972. Since the 1990s, Misano has been one of the principal Italian circuits since opening in the 1970s with updates to the circuit coming in 1990 and 2006/2007,
In 2007 the decision to run the new course in a clockwise direction was taken, reversing the previous circuit direction. With GT World Challenge Europe using the circuit since 2015 while it has some fast sections there are also some twisty and technical features to the circuit.
Car Class GT3
Race Type Solo
Tyre Sets 50
Time Multiplier 1
Max Total Driving Time
Max Stint Time
Start Procedure Full Lap
Fast Lap Points 0
Pit Stop(s) 0
Pit Requirements None
Fixed Refueling Time No
Pit Window 0 mins
Pit In lap Time loss 10 seconds
Pit Out lap Time loss 20 seconds
Pit DT Time loss 30 seconds
Event Date Mon 20-May-2024
Event Start Time 19:30 UTC In Game Time
Practice 10 mins 13:00
Quallifying 20 mins 14:00
Race 60 mins 15:00
Server Weather Settings
Cloud Level 0.15
Rain 0
Randomness 2
Ambient Temp 21
No BOP used on this event

Ladies and gentlemen, start your engines and brace yourselves for an electrifying 60-minute sprint at the iconic Misano World Circuit!

Witness the raw power and beauty of the all new GT3 Mustangs as they thunder across the Italian asphalt, where every turn is a test of precision and every straight a burst of speed.

Join us under the vibrant Misano sun for an unforgettable race day filled with heart-pounding action, fierce competition, and the unmistakable roar of Mustang muscle.

Whether you're a die-hard racing enthusiast or a newcomer to the thrill of Sim racing, this is an event you won't want to miss!

Sign Up Here https://www.thesimgrid.com/championships/8052

  • Mustang GT3 only
  • No Pit Requirements
  • Round 1 - Misano - 60m - (May 20th)



Race will be held on Monday evening (EU).

  • Event Opens: 19:30 (UK/GMT) 20:30(EU/CET)
  • Server Start
  • Practice: 10 minutes
  • Qualifying: 20 minutes
  • Race: 60 minutes



As this race is more some fun in the Mustangs there will be no official breifing, there will be some notes on race day in discord should we want to remind drivers of anything, 



There will be a practice server running for the week leading up to the event, the times from the practice server are automatically logged on our website here https://tsracing.club/eventdetails/8052,



You will also have to join the TSR Discord


This event is free to enter.



Although we don't envisage any stewarding as this race is a one off fun race we will still take the on track action seriously, So if you want to report something the normal 24 hours post race incident reporting will be available, There will be post-race stewarding. Please submit all incident reports through our discord channel and the stewards will review the footage/information provided, and after the race, they will assess position/time penalties if necessary. Please be respectful in discord if there is a collision, either discuss over DM’s or Submit to Stewards. There is a 24hr period post race for you to submit incidents. (so incidents need to be submitted by midnight on Tuesday)


Custom Liveries can be used for this event. 


We use our own Livery Upload and sync app you can find it on our webpage. https://tsracing.club/liveryupload 

Once uploaded select the race series to use it on and there is a link to download our sync app.

If you have any problems or questions about the liveries upload or download go too our discord or check https://tsracing.club/page/livery-help

Do not run custom liveries from other teams without permission from them.

Ford Mustang GT3
[VEE] Richard Veenema

Class: GT3
Ford Mustang GT3
[DRI] Ali Drissi El Bouzaidi

Class: GT3
Ford Mustang GT3

Class: GT3
Ford Mustang GT3
[MER] Vadim Mercury

Class: GT3
Ford Mustang GT3
[LAN] Mike Landreth

Class: GT3
Ford Mustang GT3
[FRE] zloy Freak

Class: GT3
Ford Mustang GT3
[VAE] Bjarne Vaes

Class: GT3
Ford Mustang GT3
[PAT] Vaibhav Patil

Class: GT3
Ford Mustang GT3
[JAK] Ivan Jakobsen

Class: GT3
Ford Mustang GT3
[DHE] Arjun Dheerendra

Class: GT3
Ford Mustang GT3
[FOR] craig foreman

Class: GT3
Ford Mustang GT3
[KAR] Karl Ve

Class: GT3
Ford Mustang GT3
[DEP] Bram Depraitere

Class: GT3
Ford Mustang GT3
[HUI] Xander Huizing

Class: GT3
Ford Mustang GT3
[MIN] Trevor Minton

Class: GT3
Ford Mustang GT3
[PAS] Ian Paskin

Class: GT3
Ford Mustang GT3
[STE] Simon Steele

Class: GT3
Ford Mustang GT3
[ROU] Alex Rousseaux

Class: GT3
Ford Mustang GT3

Class: GT3
Click Here for Full Practice Details Only Showing Laps from Registered Cars, use full practice times for all.
Pos Driver Car Lap Time Sec 1 Sec 2 Sec 3 No. Laps Valid Laps Best Potential Average Valid BOP
1 [DEP] Bram Depraitere Gold Ford Mustang GT3 64 1:33.820 23.535 37.385 32.900 4 2 1:33.820 1:34.132 0
2 [HUI] Xander Huizing Gold Ford Mustang GT3 64 1:34.342 23.680 37.510 33.152 29 7 1:34.315 1:35.079 0
3 [LAN] Mike Landreth Gold Ford Mustang GT3 19 1:34.475 23.770 37.415 33.290 64 48 1:34.400 1:35.675 0
4 [STE] Simon Steele Gold Ford Mustang GT3 83 1:34.517 23.922 37.450 33.145 64 26 1:34.324 1:35.681 0
5 [PAS] Ian Paskin Gold Ford Mustang GT3 65 1:34.660 23.907 37.440 33.312 45 41 1:34.436 1:35.368 0
6 [BVA] Bjarne Vaes Gold Ford Mustang GT3 25 1:35.270 23.782 37.717 33.770 16 7 1:35.164 1:35.997 0
7 [MIN] Trevor Minton Gold Ford Mustang GT3 76 1:35.757 24.227 37.725 33.805 52 31 1:35.537 1:37.306 0
8 [V] Karl V Gold Ford Mustang GT3 66 1:36.500 24.372 38.120 34.007 6 5 1:36.251 1:38.749 0
9 [ARJ] ARJUN DHEERENDRA Gold Ford Mustang GT3 65 1:36.595 24.617 38.237 33.740 9 6 1:36.594 2:40.623 0
10 [CAF] Craig Foreman Gold Ford Mustang GT3 64 1:36.802 24.327 38.477 33.997 15 8 1:36.357 1:37.770 0
11 [JVE] J VERM Gold Ford Mustang GT3 8 1:37.605 25.180 38.612 33.812 5 2 1:37.006 1:37.753 0
12 [PLY] Vadim Mercury Gold Ford Mustang GT3 65 1:37.950 25.085 38.340 34.525 20 5 1:37.130 1:38.200 0
13 [ADR] Ali Drissi Gold Ford Mustang GT3 67 1:38.340 24.987 39.057 34.295 6 4 1:37.539 1:38.853 0
14 [ALX] ALEKSANDR ANDREEV Gold Ford Mustang GT3 510 1:38.870 24.697 39.392 34.780 9 4 1:38.554 1:40.293 0
Pos Driver Car Class No. Laps Best Lap Delta
1 [DEP] Bram Depraitere Gold Ford Mustang GT3 64 GT3 7 1:33.675 --
2 [STE] Simon Steele Gold Ford Mustang GT3 83 GT3 8 1:34.137 + 00.462
3 [HUI] Xander Huizing Gold Ford Mustang GT3 69 GT3 8 1:34.640 + 00.965
4 [LAN] Mike Landreth Gold Ford Mustang GT3 19 GT3 7 1:34.730 + 01.055
5 [PAS] Ian Paskin Gold Ford Mustang GT3 77 GT3 8 1:34.927 + 01.252
6 [MIN] Trevor Minton Gold Ford Mustang GT3 76 GT3 7 1:34.952 + 01.277
7 [VAE] Bjarne Vaes Gold Ford Mustang GT3 25 GT3 5 1:35.035 + 01.360
8 [VER] Jan VERM Gold Ford Mustang GT3 8 GT3 10 1:35.112 + 01.437
9 [KAR] Karl Ve Gold Ford Mustang GT3 50 GT3 10 1:36.042 + 02.367
10 [FOR] craig foreman Gold Ford Mustang GT3 49 GT3 7 1:36.242 + 02.567
11 [DRI] Ali Drissi El Bouzaidi Gold Ford Mustang GT3 7 GT3 9 1:37.305 + 03.630
12 [ROU] Alex Rousseaux Gold Ford Mustang GT3 99 GT3 5 1:37.655 + 03.980
13 [FRE] zloy Freak Gold Ford Mustang GT3 23 GT3 11 1:37.860 + 04.185
14 [MER] Vadim Mercury Gold Ford Mustang GT3 9 GT3 6 1:37.982 + 04.307
15 [JAK] Ivan Jakobsen Gold Ford Mustang GT3 33 GT3 8 1:38.732 + 05.057
16 [] Gold Ford Mustang GT3 509 GT3 3 1:39.090 + 05.415
Please note these results are as of race end, these do not show any post-race penalties which will be added in SimGridClick Here to View Results on SimGrid
Pos Driver Car Class No. Laps Best Lap Delta
1 [DEP] Bram Depraitere Gold Ford Mustang GT3 64 GT3 38 1:34.350 22.059
2 [STE] Simon Steele Gold Ford Mustang GT3 83 GT3 38 1:35.060 + 41.161
3 [PAS] Ian Paskin Gold Ford Mustang GT3 77 GT3 38 1:35.235 + 43.526
4 [LAN] Mike Landreth Gold Ford Mustang GT3 19 GT3 38 1:35.640 + 54.269
5 [HUI] Xander Huizing Gold Ford Mustang GT3 69 GT3 38 1:35.400 + 1:03.239
6 [VER] Jan VERM Gold Ford Mustang GT3 8 GT3 38 1:35.980 + 1:10.993
7 [VAE] Bjarne Vaes Gold Ford Mustang GT3 25 GT3 37 1:35.355 + 1 lap
8 [KAR] Karl Ve Gold Ford Mustang GT3 50 GT3 37 1:36.050 + 1 lap
9 [MIN] Trevor Minton Gold Ford Mustang GT3 76 GT3 37 1:35.282 + 1 lap
10 [FOR] craig foreman Gold Ford Mustang GT3 49 GT3 36 1:35.782 + 2 laps
11 [FRE] zloy Freak Gold Ford Mustang GT3 23 GT3 36 1:37.837 + 2 laps
12 [ROU] Alex Rousseaux Gold Ford Mustang GT3 99 GT3 36 1:36.967 + 2 laps
13 [DRI] Ali Drissi El Bouzaidi Gold Ford Mustang GT3 7 GT3 34 1:39.080 + 4 laps
14 [] Gold Ford Mustang GT3 509 GT3 34 1:38.837 + 4 laps
15 [JAK] Ivan Jakobsen Gold Ford Mustang GT3 33 GT3 30 1:38.585 + 8 laps
16 [MER] Vadim Mercury Gold Ford Mustang GT3 9 GT3 17 1:38.295 + 21 laps
No race results are available at this time
How to submit an incident for Stewards to review

Select the Event from the list, these are just the events in this series, next add the lap that the incident happened on, and then select the corner from the list, (here you can use the track map above to help)

Next select the driver from the list, if more than one driver involved you can select up to 3, any other drivers please name them in the description,

Now enter a description of the incident in the text field, (In english please, use an online translation if needed)

Finally the Video, Please submit a video of the incident, Ideally this should be uploaded to YouTube or Similar, this helps the stewards who may also look at the replay but gives them a intial view of the incident, in your video please include multiple views where possible and ideally have the HUD displayed.

Transatlantic Sim Racing uses Steam login system for authentication, please click the button below to login in using your steam account,

Your Steam login credentials will not be shared.

A unique numeric identifier will be shared with Transatlantic Sim Racing. Through this, Transatlantic Sim Racing will be able to identify your Steam community profile and access information about your Steam account according to your Profile Privacy Settings.

Any information on your Steam Profile page that is set to be publicly viewable may be accessed by Transatlantic Sim Racing, this incluse items such as steam avatar.