Race Calendar
Races in the Series
Round 1 - Suzuka Mon 15-Jan-2024
Round 2 - Hungaroring Mon 22-Jan-2024
Round 3 - Bathurst Mon 05-Feb-2024
Round 4 - Zolder Mon 12-Feb-2024
Round 5 - Valencia Mon 26-Feb-2024
Round 6 - Spa Mon 04-Mar-2024

Round 3 - Bathurst details

Track Mount Panorama
Circuit Length 6.213 km (3.861 miles)
Turns 23
Bathurst's Mount Panorama circuit has become an indelible part of Australian sporting history and a gathering place for petrolheads the world over thanks to its mix of speed, danger and endurance.
Winding its way up and down a hillside, the circuit has been enchanting racing fans since the 1930s and remains one of the most challenging circuits in world motorsport. Winning here, whatever the category, is major accolade for any racing driver.
However, despite its global fame, Mount Panorama isn’t a permanent racetrack. The circuit is made up of public roads that access homes and farms and usually maintains a strict 60km/h speed limit.
Car Class GT3
Race Type Solo
Tyre Sets 3
Time Multiplier 1
Max Total Driving Time
Max Stint Time
Start Procedure Full Lap
Fast Lap Points 2
Pit Stop(s) 0
Pit Requirements None
Fixed Refueling Time No
Pit Window 0 mins
Pit In lap Time loss 2 seconds
Pit Out lap Time loss 18 seconds
Pit DT Time loss 20 seconds
Event Date Mon 05-Feb-2024
Event Start Time 19:30 UTC In Game Time
Practice 10 mins 14:00
Quallifying 30 mins 14:00
Race 90 mins 15:00
Server Weather Settings
Cloud Level 0.12
Rain 0
Randomness 2
Ambient Temp 24
No BOP used on this event

This event is free to enter, to register you will need to be in our  Community Discord you will get the TSR GT3 Season 2024 role if you don't get the role you can add at server-rules-roles, Once that is complete you are guaranteed a spot for the event.   


The 30 minute qualifying session will be split into two, the first 10 minutes will see AM (Bronze) drivers take to the track, after 10 minutes Bronze drivers will return to the garage, and PRO (Gold) & Pro-AM (Silver) will go out on track together for the remaining 20 minutes,  Bronze drivers you must remain in the server after you qualifying session.


There will be custom BOP added, based on LFM bop, (thank you to LFM & SimGrid for making this available), The BOP used will be set at the beginning or the week when the practice server goes live.


There will be post-race stewarding. Please submit all incident reports through our discord channel and the stewards will review the footage/information provided, and after the race, they will assess position/time penalties if necessary. Please be respectful in discord if there is a collision, either discuss over DM’s or Submit to Stewards. There is a 24hr period post race for you to submit incidents. (so incidents need to be submitted by midnight on Tuesday)


Custom Liveries made outside of the game are permitted in this event. 

We use our own Livery Upload and sync app you can find it on our webpage.  https://tsracing.club/liveryupload

The Sync app you can also find on our website too get the liveries. TSR Livery Sync Tool

If you have any problems or questions about the liveries upload or download go too our discord or check https://tsracing.club/page/livery-help

The game’s developers do not officially support them and their use can induce significant latency issues for some users. 

To avoid the considerable lag that custom liveries can cause, please bear this in mind when joining and try and always join during practice and not qualifying. 

Do not run custom liveries from other teams without permission from them.

BMW M4 GT3 2021
[LUT] Jelte Lutkenhaus

Class: GT3
BMW M4 GT3 2021
[VEE] Richard Veenema

Class: GT3
Ferrari 296 GT3
[BLA] Ryan Blanchette

Class: GT3
Mercedes AMG GT3 Evo 2020
[TER] Giuseppe Territo

Class: GT3
Mercedes AMG GT3 Evo 2020
[ROU] Alex Rousseaux

Class: GT3
Ferrari 296 GT3
[TRE] Arcadio Trevino

Class: GT3
Aston Martin V8 Vantage GT3 2019
[PRI] Stuart Prior

Class: GT3
Mercedes AMG GT3 Evo 2020
[JES] Kristjan Jesih

Class: GT3
BMW M4 GT3 2021
[MAM] Nicolas Mamtsas

Class: GT3
Lamborghini Huracan GT3 EVO 2
[LAN] Mike Landreth

Class: GT3
Porsche 992 GT3 R
[ALB] Luca Albera

Class: GT3
Ferrari 296 GT3
[CLA] Phil Clarke

Team: TSR Instagram
Class: GT3
Ferrari 296 GT3
[ODD] antonino oddo

Class: GT3
Ferrari 296 GT3
[DAR] Eduardo Daroca

Class: GT3
Ferrari 296 GT3
[SAN] Pako Sanchez

Class: GT3
Ferrari 296 GT3
[HUI] Xander Huizing

Class: GT3
Ferrari 296 GT3
[FRA] Davide Francesconi

Class: GT3
McLaren 720S GT3 2023
[PAS] Ian Paskin

Team: TSR Gulf Davidoff
Class: GT3
Porsche 992 GT3 R
[STE] Simon Steele

Class: GT3
Mercedes AMG GT3 Evo 2020
[SCH] Matteo Schmid

Class: GT3
Ferrari 296 GT3
[PLI] Tristan Plint

Class: GT3
Aston Martin V8 Vantage GT3 2019
[FOR] craig foreman

Class: GT3
Mercedes AMG GT3 Evo 2020
[DER] Alfio De Regibus

Class: GT3
Ferrari 296 GT3
[BUL] Marco Bullega

Class: GT3
McLaren 720S GT3 2023
[KAL] Sami Kall

Class: GT3
McLaren 720S GT3 2023
[NUS] Arben Nushi

Class: GT3
McLaren 720S GT3 2023
[DRZ] Filip Drzaic

Class: GT3
Ferrari 296 GT3
[PUG] Amedeo Puggioni

Class: GT3
Mercedes AMG GT3 Evo 2020
[HOU] Alexandre HOUSSIN

Class: GT3
McLaren 720S GT3 2023
[MAU] Nicolas Maufroy

Class: GT3
Ferrari 296 GT3
[ACH] Mathis Achin

Class: GT3
Ferrari 296 GT3
[HUB] Max Hubert

Class: GT3
Ferrari 296 GT3
[DAS] Damien Dash

Class: GT3
Mercedes AMG GT3 Evo 2020
[CAN] Jeremie CANO

Class: GT3
McLaren 720S GT3 2023
[LEL] Nicolas LE LANN

Class: GT3
BMW M4 GT3 2021
[HIL] Craig Hill

Class: GT3
Ferrari 296 GT3
[LIN] Elias Lindner

Class: GT3
Ferrari 296 GT3
[MAN] Luca Manca

Class: GT3
BMW M4 GT3 2021
[SME] Anthony Smeekes

Class: GT3
Ferrari 296 GT3
[VAS] George Vasiliadis

Class: GT3
Click Here for Full Practice Details Only Showing Laps from Registered Cars, use full practice times for all.
Pos Driver Car Lap Time Sec 1 Sec 2 Sec 3 No. Laps Valid Laps Best Potential Average Valid BOP
1 [PLY] Arcadio Treviño Gold Ferrari 296 GT3 56 2:01.320 38.570 55.825 26.925 48 46 2:00.904 2:02.586 0
2 [HUI] Xander Huizing Gold Ferrari 296 GT3 69 2:01.500 38.627 55.797 27.075 18 17 2:01.499 2:04.101 0
3 [DOG] Alexandre HOUSSIN Gold Mercedes AMG GT3 Evo 2020 721 2:01.557 38.570 55.687 27.300 12 9 2:01.254 2:02.284 0
4 [ADR] Alfio De Regibus Gold Mercedes AMG GT3 Evo 2020 159 2:01.622 38.475 55.955 27.192 30 27 2:01.380 2:02.808 0
5 [DAR] Eduardo Daroca Silver Ferrari 296 GT3 55 2:01.652 38.565 56.140 26.947 139 128 2:01.459 2:03.097 0
6 [PAS] Ian Paskin Gold McLaren 720S GT3 2023 77 2:01.867 38.557 56.272 27.037 12 12 2:01.866 2:02.742 0
7 [PCC] Philip Clarke Silver Ferrari 296 GT3 33 2:01.900 38.812 55.927 27.160 39 34 2:01.457 2:03.002 0
8 [HUB] Max Hubert Bronze Ferrari 296 GT3 724 2:01.992 38.615 56.245 27.132 19 15 2:01.922 2:03.545 0
9 [PKS] Pako Sanchez Diaz Bronze Ferrari 296 GT3 55 2:02.000 38.607 56.342 27.050 74 63 2:01.600 2:03.831 0
10 [BUL] Marco Bullega | MA | Gold Ferrari 296 GT3 200 2:02.262 38.752 56.375 27.135 44 41 2:02.187 2:03.623 0
11 [RVE] Richard Veenema Silver BMW M4 GT3 2021 3 2:02.265 38.762 56.287 27.215 20 20 2:02.009 2:03.046 0
12 [JES] Kristjan Jesih Silver Mercedes AMG GT3 Evo 2020 323 2:02.492 38.815 56.412 27.265 23 15 2:02.060 2:03.841 0
13 [PLY] Mathis Plugry | DKR Bronze Ferrari 296 GT3 723 2:02.510 38.947 56.465 27.097 14 13 2:02.509 2:04.612 0
14 [BLA] Ryan Blanchette Silver Ferrari 296 GT3 33 2:02.547 38.825 56.577 27.145 3 3 2:02.547 2:02.974 0
15 [LAN] Mike Landreth Silver Lamborghini Huracan GT3 EVO 2 19 2:03.880 38.947 57.462 27.470 16 13 2:03.879 2:05.601 0
16 [MAN] Luca Manca | SRT Silver Ferrari 296 GT3 969 2:03.967 39.300 57.262 27.405 49 42 2:03.682 2:05.632 0
17 [ASM] Anthony Smeekes Silver BMW M4 GT3 2021 976 2:03.975 39.115 57.455 27.405 22 19 2:03.817 2:05.191 0
18 [PLY] Arben Nushi Bronze McLaren 720S GT3 2023 375 2:04.407 39.515 57.235 27.657 8 3 2:04.407 2:05.603 0
19 [DDA] Damien Dash Bronze Ferrari 296 GT3 725 2:04.467 39.160 57.577 27.730 9 8 2:04.414 2:05.721 0
20 [STE] Simon Steele Silver Porsche 992 GT3 R 83 2:04.802 39.407 57.737 27.657 25 20 2:04.209 2:05.947 0
21 [TRR] Giuseppe Territo Bronze Mercedes AMG GT3 Evo 2020 7 2:05.372 39.517 58.172 27.682 8 6 2:05.214 2:06.442 0
22 [FRA] Davide Francesconi | SRT Silver Ferrari 296 GT3 74 2:05.890 39.472 58.370 28.047 1 1 2:05.889 2:05.890 0
23 [ARO] Alex Rousseaux Bronze Mercedes AMG GT3 Evo 2020 9 2:06.740 40.280 58.642 27.817 4 3 2:06.589 2:07.495 0
Pos Driver Car Class No. Laps Best Lap Delta
1 [MAU] Nicolas Maufroy Gold McLaren 720S GT3 2023 722 GT3 7 2:00.587 --
2 [HOU] Alexandre HOUSSIN Gold Mercedes AMG GT3 Evo 2020 721 GT3 4 2:00.770 + 00.183
3 [SCH] Matteo Schmid Gold Mercedes AMG GT3 Evo 2020 88 GT3 7 2:01.365 + 00.778
4 [TRE] Arcadio Trevino Gold Ferrari 296 GT3 10 GT3 9 2:01.467 + 00.880
5 [HUI] Xander Huizing Gold Ferrari 296 GT3 69 GT3 6 2:01.600 + 01.013
6 [DER] Alfio De Regibus Gold Mercedes AMG GT3 Evo 2020 159 GT3 8 2:01.725 + 01.138
7 [KAL] Sami Kall Gold McLaren 720S GT3 2023 255 GT3 5 2:01.795 + 01.208
8 [BUL] Marco Bullega Gold Ferrari 296 GT3 200 GT3 8 2:01.902 + 01.315
9 [DAR] Eduardo Daroca Silver Ferrari 296 GT3 55 GT3 9 2:01.920 + 01.333
10 [CLA] Phil Clarke Silver Ferrari 296 GT3 33 GT3 8 2:01.927 + 01.340
11 [PAS] Ian Paskin Gold McLaren 720S GT3 2023 77 GT3 5 2:02.027 + 01.440
12 [HUB] Max Hubert Bronze Ferrari 296 GT3 724 GT3 3 2:02.185 + 01.598
13 [SAN] Pako Sanchez Bronze Ferrari 296 GT3 59 GT3 4 2:02.222 + 01.635
14 [VEE] Richard Veenema Silver BMW M4 GT3 2021 3 GT3 7 2:02.307 + 01.720
15 [JES] Kristjan Jesih Silver Mercedes AMG GT3 Evo 2020 12 GT3 5 2:02.325 + 01.738
16 [BLA] Ryan Blanchette Silver Ferrari 296 GT3 5 GT3 7 2:02.335 + 01.748
17 [ODD] antonino oddo Gold Ferrari 296 GT3 49 GT3 7 2:02.500 + 01.913
18 [HIL] Craig Hill Silver BMW M4 GT3 2021 888 GT3 6 2:02.535 + 01.948
19 [CAN] Jeremie CANO Gold Mercedes AMG GT3 Evo 2020 726 GT3 5 2:02.962 + 02.375
20 [PRI] Stuart Prior Silver Aston Martin V8 Vantage GT3 2019 11 GT3 7 2:03.032 + 02.445
21 [VAS] George Vasiliadis Bronze Ferrari 296 GT3 987 GT3 3 2:03.137 + 02.550
22 [PLI] Tristan Plint Silver Ferrari 296 GT3 91 GT3 4 2:03.257 + 02.670
23 [LIN] Elias Lindner Bronze Ferrari 296 GT3 910 GT3 4 2:03.597 + 03.010
24 [MAN] Luca Manca Silver Ferrari 296 GT3 969 GT3 7 2:03.615 + 03.028
25 [LAN] Mike Landreth Silver Lamborghini Huracan GT3 EVO 2 19 GT3 7 2:03.872 + 03.285
26 [ACH] Mathis Achin Bronze Ferrari 296 GT3 723 GT3 2 2:04.430 + 03.843
27 [FRA] Davide Francesconi Silver Ferrari 296 GT3 74 GT3 3 2:04.522 + 03.935
28 [STE] Simon Steele Silver Porsche 992 GT3 R 83 GT3 5 2:05.197 + 04.610
29 [MAM] Nicolas Mamtsas Bronze BMW M4 GT3 2021 18 GT3 3 2:05.217 + 04.630
30 [TER] Giuseppe Territo Bronze Mercedes AMG GT3 Evo 2020 7 GT3 5 2:05.352 + 04.765
31 [NUS] Arben Nushi Bronze McLaren 720S GT3 2023 375 GT3 4 2:05.590 + 05.003
32 [LUT] Jelte Lutkenhaus Silver BMW M4 GT3 2021 1 GT3 4 2:07.202 + 06.615
33 [DAS] Damien Dash Bronze Ferrari 296 GT3 725 GT3 2 3:43.680 + 1:43.093
Please note these results are as of race end, these do not show any post-race penalties which will be added in SimGridClick Here to View Results on SimGrid
Pos Driver Car Class No. Laps Best Lap Delta
1 [MAU] Nicolas Maufroy Gold McLaren 720S GT3 2023 722 GT3 44 2:01.352 30:55.657
2 [DER] Alfio De Regibus Gold Mercedes AMG GT3 Evo 2020 159 GT3 44 2:02.820 + 1:03.737
3 [HIL] Craig Hill Silver BMW M4 GT3 2021 888 GT3 44 2:03.002 + 1:41.324
4 [JES] Kristjan Jesih Silver Mercedes AMG GT3 Evo 2020 12 GT3 44 2:03.362 + 1:44.076
5 [HUI] Xander Huizing Gold Ferrari 296 GT3 69 GT3 44 2:03.545 + 1:45.118
6 [HOU] Alexandre HOUSSIN Gold Mercedes AMG GT3 Evo 2020 721 GT3 43 2:01.702 + 1 lap
7 [BLA] Ryan Blanchette Silver Ferrari 296 GT3 5 GT3 43 2:04.242 + 1 lap
8 [VEE] Richard Veenema Silver BMW M4 GT3 2021 3 GT3 43 2:03.787 + 1 lap
9 [HUB] Max Hubert Bronze Ferrari 296 GT3 724 GT3 43 2:03.175 + 1 lap
10 [VAS] George Vasiliadis Bronze Ferrari 296 GT3 987 GT3 43 2:03.735 + 1 lap
11 [KAL] Sami Kall Gold McLaren 720S GT3 2023 255 GT3 43 2:03.392 + 1 lap
12 [CLA] Phil Clarke Silver Ferrari 296 GT3 33 GT3 43 2:03.242 + 1 lap
13 [LAN] Mike Landreth Silver Lamborghini Huracan GT3 EVO 2 19 GT3 43 2:04.695 + 1 lap
14 [DAR] Eduardo Daroca Silver Ferrari 296 GT3 55 GT3 43 2:04.072 + 1 lap
15 [ACH] Mathis Achin Bronze Ferrari 296 GT3 723 GT3 42 2:03.817 + 2 laps
16 [SME] Anthony Smeekes Silver BMW M4 GT3 2021 976 GT3 41 2:04.870 + 3 laps
17 [DAS] Damien Dash Bronze Ferrari 296 GT3 725 GT3 41 2:06.337 + 3 laps
18 [MAN] Luca Manca Silver Ferrari 296 GT3 969 GT3 41 2:04.515 + 3 laps
19 [MAM] Nicolas Mamtsas Bronze BMW M4 GT3 2021 18 GT3 41 2:04.835 + 3 laps
20 [TRE] Arcadio Trevino Gold Ferrari 296 GT3 10 GT3 40 2:03.240 + 4 laps
21 [PAS] Ian Paskin Gold McLaren 720S GT3 2023 77 GT3 40 2:03.020 + 4 laps
22 [FRA] Davide Francesconi Silver Ferrari 296 GT3 74 GT3 39 2:05.587 + 5 laps
23 [TER] Giuseppe Territo Bronze Mercedes AMG GT3 Evo 2020 7 GT3 36 2:06.600 + 8 laps
24 [STE] Simon Steele Silver Porsche 992 GT3 R 83 GT3 34 2:05.932 + 10 laps
25 [CAN] Jeremie CANO Gold Mercedes AMG GT3 Evo 2020 726 GT3 20 2:03.752 + 24 laps
26 [LUT] Jelte Lutkenhaus Silver BMW M4 GT3 2021 1 GT3 20 2:07.220 + 24 laps
27 [PRI] Stuart Prior Silver Aston Martin V8 Vantage GT3 2019 11 GT3 12 2:04.307 + 32 laps
28 [BUL] Marco Bullega Gold Ferrari 296 GT3 200 GT3 11 2:03.310 + 33 laps
29 [PLI] Tristan Plint Silver Ferrari 296 GT3 91 GT3 6 2:05.385 + 38 laps
30 [SCH] Matteo Schmid Gold Mercedes AMG GT3 Evo 2020 88 GT3 5 2:02.592 + 39 laps
31 [SAN] Pako Sanchez Bronze Ferrari 296 GT3 59 GT3 3 2:05.065 + 41 laps
32 [NUS] Arben Nushi Bronze McLaren 720S GT3 2023 375 GT3 3 2:06.767 + 41 laps
33 [LIN] Elias Lindner Bronze Ferrari 296 GT3 910 GT3 1 33:50.337 + 43 laps
No race results are available at this time
How to submit an incident for Stewards to review

Select the Event from the list, these are just the events in this series, next add the lap that the incident happened on, and then select the corner from the list, (here you can use the track map above to help)

Next select the driver from the list, if more than one driver involved you can select up to 3, any other drivers please name them in the description,

Now enter a description of the incident in the text field, (In english please, use an online translation if needed)

Finally the Video, Please submit a video of the incident, Ideally this should be uploaded to YouTube or Similar, this helps the stewards who may also look at the replay but gives them a intial view of the incident, in your video please include multiple views where possible and ideally have the HUD displayed.

Transatlantic Sim Racing uses Steam login system for authentication, please click the button below to login in using your steam account,

Your Steam login credentials will not be shared.

A unique numeric identifier will be shared with Transatlantic Sim Racing. Through this, Transatlantic Sim Racing will be able to identify your Steam community profile and access information about your Steam account according to your Profile Privacy Settings.

Any information on your Steam Profile page that is set to be publicly viewable may be accessed by Transatlantic Sim Racing, this incluse items such as steam avatar.