TSR Assetto Corsa Competizione - Custom Liveries
Liveries on TSR are stored in a livery library that you can maintain yourself, you only need to upload your livery once then you can select the races you wish to use that livery on, becuse you have control over your liveries you are required to login, we use Steam login for this so we dont have to maintain passwords,
Uploading you livery
To upload your livery go to the livery upload page here you can upload the required files,
this includes files from two folders that sit inside the Assetto Corsa Competizone config directories, this is normally here
..\Documents\Assetto Corsa Competizione\Customs\
the first file is the Car Json file and can be found in the Cars directory under customs,
if you have not renamed this it will be a generted name from ACC this starts will the race number then date and time example 77-221228-095048.json race number 77 on 2022-12-28 @ 09:50:48 this will help you find the correct one if you have multiple,
if you are still unsure you can open them in Notepad and check the team name or livery folder
next there are 6 files form the livery folder this can be found in customs\liveries\ then the name of your livery
the 6 files are
- decals.json
- decals.png
- decals_1.dds
- sponsors.json
- sponsors.png
- sponsors_1.dds
note: your livery may not have sponosrs.png & sponsors_1.dds in this case you can leave those,
DDS Files
to create the dds files start a practice session using the car and click drive this will create the _1.dds files,
Note: you will also have _0.dds which are the showroom livery files which are a lot bigger (around 21mb) and should not be uploaded.
you can optionally upload a side view of your car this is completely optional but may be used in media or spotter guides, to create this go into ACC and in the showroom on the car with this livery double click on the car which will set to the side view, then click the center button of your mouse to hide the menus,
now using the windows snipping tool (Shift + Win Key + S) draw a rectange around the car similar to this,

Maintaining your Liveries
From the My Liveries page, you will see your liveries,
Here you can upload a side view, or replace if you already have one,
You can delete the livery, click the delete button for this, you will be asked to confirm, NOTE: If you delete a livery it will remove it from any races/series
To assign a livery to a race/series you simply tick the box next to the race /series on the right hand side of the livery box, not you can only have one livery per race series, so ticking a new one will remove any other assignents for that race.

Syncing Liveries to you PC
First off download our livery sync tool when downloaded unzip it and run the TSRLiverySync.msi to install it,
Once installed run the program you will find it under TSR Livery Sync in the start menu, you will first see this screen,
You shouldn't need to change anything here unless you have changed your Assetto Corsa Competizone config path, if you need to change this browse for the folder and then save for next time,
The URL should only be changed if advised to do so by us,

Now click on the Livery Sync Tab and you should see this screen, choose the Race or Series you are downloaing the liveries for, the available liveries will be displayed, and to the right you will see if they are required or alread synced,
to be able to sync the liveries you will need a 4 digit code, this will be made available in the TSR Discord channel in the race info section, this is to control who is downloading them, once you have entered the code the Sync Selected button will be enabled,
any that need to be downloaded will be checked in the left hand column, if it is already on you pc you can re-download by ticking the relevant box,
then click Sync Selected

As they are downloaded you will see the right hand status column changed to Synced and turn green
When they are all synced you will see this message.

For more help ask in #livery-upload-help in our discord server